Standing at the Crossroad - Divine Connection

Standing at the Crossroad
September 16, 2013By Carolyn Crow

"Should I go left, or should I go right?"

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.  One day everything seems to be going according to plan while working toward your life long dreams.  And then, like a lightning bolt out of the blue, you are hit with the biggest blow of your life that knocks you off course.  Suddenly you find yourself standing at the crossroads of life, pondering, "Where will I go from here?  "Should I go left, or should I go right?"

In my case, I certainly know what it feels like to be knocked off your path and to have your dreams demolished in an instant.  However, my situation was devastating, while sending me into a world of the unknown and I had no idea where I would end up.

I was helpless and feeling stranded as though someone had dropped me off along the roadside.  I often wondered if I could pick up the pieces and keep going?  "Will I live through this ordeal, or will I lie down and die?"

After working through the issue at hand, in that very moment I made a conscious decision to live and navigate through the obstacles and setbacks that were placed on my path.

Would I have chosen this path?  Absolutely not!  But I am convinced that God is very much involved in what is happening in my life.  Therefore, I must remain faithful to Him through every test and trial.  Foremost, it is up to me to stand strong through the process while He purifies and mold me into becoming the person that He desires me to be.

Depsite aspirations and dreams, our lives does not always turn out as planned.  The writer of Proverbs 19:21 records, "Many of the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

The path that you are on may not make sense or seem remotely logical, but God has led you where you are for a reason.  His plans are always the right plans because He has distinct vision that can see far greater ahead than you can.

The voice of Jeremiah echoes in 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the LORD, "plans to propser you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  (NIV)

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